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Meet your peers
Find out more about fellow nursing, midwifery and trainee nursing associate students on our meet your peers page. Learn about their career journeys so far, future career plans and even get some film recommendations.
We will be adding lots of student profiles over the coming weeks. Make sure you come back and check them out!
Trainee nursing associate route
Meet Miles a trainee nursing associate at the University of Sheffield
Meet Matt a trainee nursing associate at the University of Bolton
Meet Mike a trainee nursing associate at the University of Chester
Meet Omar a trainee nursing associate at the University of Chester
Meet Georgia a trainee nursing associate at the University of Bolton
Nursing degree route
Meet Emmie a children's nursing student at Kingston University
Meet Tanisha a mental health nursing student at Middlesex University
Meet Abdulasis a mental health nursing student at Middlesex University
Meet Brian an adult nursing student at the University of Chester
Meet Cynthia a mental health nursing student at the University of Chester
Meet Adele an adult nursing student at the University of Cumbria
Meet Ajirioghene Joyce an adult nursing student at the University of Central Lancashire
Meet Ella a children's nursing student at the University of Chester
Meet Amy a learning disability nursing student at the University of Cumbria
Meet Jenna an adult nursing student at the University of Chester.
Meet Tara a mental health nursing student at Liverpool John Moores University
Meet Charlene an adult nursing student at Liverpool John Moores University
Meet Claire an adult nursing student at the University of Chester
Meet Kerry an adult nursing student at the University of Salford
Registered nurse degree apprenticeship
Midwifery degree route
Registered midwife degree apprenticeship
Masters route
Meet Rosanna who is currently studying a masters in adult nursing at the University of East Anglia
Meet Gary who is currently studying a masters in children's nursing at the University of East Anglia
Meet Amy who is currently studying a masters in adult nursing at the University of Manchester
Meet Laura who is currently studying a masters in mental health nursing at the University of Chester
Meet Lynn studying a shortened masters in midwifery for registered nurses
Meet Mari who is studying a masters in pre-registration adult nursing at Liverpool John Moores University
Meet Hanicka who is studying a masters in nursing at the University of Chester