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Framework 15
The Health Education England Strategic Framework, Framework 15, builds upon the Strategic Intent Document we published in February 2013 and the feedback to that and the refresh published in July 2013.
Framework 15 is intended to act as a reference point for the system and provide the conceptual framework for how HEE approaches problems and identifies solutions, ensuring our focus remains on the patient. It will:
- guide the decisions we make in the short term, such as the annual workforce planning process and the priorities in our Business Plan
- inform our longer-term work programme
- enable our board and the public to assess our actions against our expressed strategic ambitions, and to challenge us if we veer off course
- provide the basis for more detailed conversations with our partners and stakeholders about the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Design and development
As a result of all the feedback and engagement to date, our Strategic Framework is underpinned by three pillars:
- our understanding of the global drivers of change in health and healthcare, based upon a review of international evidence
- our judgement of the impact these drivers are likely to have on people and patients of the future, and how this will shape their characteristics and needs
- our view of the characteristics of the future workforce that will be needed in order to meet the anticipated needs of people and patients.
We invite further feedback and comment, and commit to refreshing our Strategic Framework at least once every year. Please send any comments to