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HEE launches first national consultation on a NHS bands 1-4 workforce strategy

4 February 2014

Health Education England (HEE) has launched a consultation to hear views about developing staff in roles banded 1-4. The staff in bands 1-4 make up around 40 per cent of the NHS’s 1.3 million workforce, and are responsible for an estimated 60 per cent of direct patient contact. However, this group receives only around 5 per cent of the whole training budget.

HEE wants to know what people think are the barriers and challenges for this part of the workforce, and how these can be overcome. All the feedback collected will be analysed to create a bands 1-4 national strategy – “The Talent for Care”

The closing date for feedback is 24 March 2014.

The project also wants to establish nationally agreed recognition of support roles in the healthcare team and their part in delivering high quality, safe patient care. It also will develop formal opportunities for people to improve and progress within and beyond bands 1-4, through nationally agreed arrangements, consistent standards and certification, where relevant.

As such HEE is looking for ambition, innovation and the commitment to widen the bands 1-4 route to clinical and professional training; but most of all, to provide some of the best patient care in the world.

The support in training and development of our Bands 1-4 Workforce has been identified as a core objective in the Health Education England Mandate (April 2013 to March 2015) and is also recognised as a key priority for HEE and its LETBs.

Share your views and learn more about this project, search #TalentForCare or take our survey.

For more information email HEEE.bands1-4@nhs.net.