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NHS apprenticeship talent recognised

18 March 2016

The 9th annual National Apprenticeship Week (14 – 18 March) has seen events held across the country celebrating the achievements of NHS apprentices and throwing a spotlight on the important role they play in the delivery of healthcare.

Health Education England is leading on apprenticeship work through its Talent For Care programme. The programme aims to broaden the ways into training and employment in the NHS, especially to attract more young people and improve diversity within the workforce. It also provides opportunities to people to try new experiences of working in the NHS.

Professor Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, Director of Nursing & Deputy Director of Education and Quality, Health Education England said:

Health Education England is delighted to see the work of NHS apprentices who work across clinical and non-clinical occupations being recognised in this way.

I believe that apprentices make a very  positive and valuable contribution to the patient care experience. We are  working with employers to expand the opportunities to recruit more apprentices into an even wider range of roles at all levels."

Our goal is to develop healthcare support staff by providing opportunities for career progression, including the registered professions.

Someone who has benefitted from the programme is Georgia Moore a modern apprentice who has been working with Health Education England (HEE) in Manchester. Georgia has recently been made permanent and says:

I love working here, I would like to develop my career within HEE. I’m also pursuing ideas around becoming a midwife, so I’m currently getting advice on what training is required.