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Abstract presentation to the King's Fund

18 March 2016

Jane McCombe, HEE Workforce Transformation Manager for Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire, along with several colleagues, were successful with an abstract to present at the King's Fund's impressive home at Cavendish Square in London earlier this week.

The presentation, 'Enabling supported self care for older people living with frailty: The Nottingham Frailty Toolkit', was very well-received and showcased the first wave of training events, toolkit APP, an evaluation of impact in practice three months on and next steps.

The toolkit and associated training programme were commissioned by Nottinghamshire LETC and funded by Health Education East Midlands.

Jane worked with Elaine Mitchell, Integrated Workforce Development Manager, Nottingham City Council, the Nottinghamshire Local Education and Training Council (LETC), and Dr Dawn Moody, GPSI Frailty and Older People's Care and Director Fusion 48.