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Alison Smith celebrates 30 years in the NHS

9 September 2016

The School of Dentistry is delighted to celebrate our Educator and School Development Manager’s 30 years of dedicated service to the NHS. 

Alison Smith is well known within the School of Dentistry, having joined Health Education England (working across the East Midlands) in September 2014. Prior to this, she started her professional career within the NHS on 8 September 1986, as a pharmacy technician at Queen’s Hospital, Burton on Trent. This was followed by a change in career, when she became a Human Resources Advisor at the Leicestershire Partnership in 2006.

Alison has brought a wealth of experience from her previous NHS roles, which have been fully utilised during the development of the new Dental School. In addition, Alison also offers support to the Schools of Pathology and Radiology which has certainly kept her busy over the last two years!  All of her friends and colleagues in the School would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Alison on this tremendous achievement.