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Applications open for NEW University of Leicester MSc in Quality and Safety in Healthcare

15 July 2016

The new MSc will attend to both theoretical and applied aspects of healthcare quality and patient safety. It will offer students a thorough grounding in the science of improvement, and a practical set of skills with which to address the social, technical and organisational challenges of improvement.

This exciting programme will draw on the internationally renowned research of the SAPPHIRE (Social Science APPlied to Healthcare Improvement REsearch) and TIMMS (The Infant Mortality & Morbidity Studies) research groups, as well as other experts at the University of Leicester and from the NHS. The course offers a sound training in research methods, practice and theory in the field of healthcare quality and patient safety as well as developing key transferable skills in critical appraisal, academic writing, project management and communication.

Current compulsory course modules include: Quality and Quality Improvement in Healthcare; Patient Safety; Human Factors and Ergonomics for Patient Safety; Measuring and Monitoring in Healthcare and Leading, Managing and Organising Quality and Safety in Healthcare, with two research methods modules: Quantitative Methods in Applied Health Research and Qualitative Methods in Applied Health Research.

All modules will be offered as standalone CPD elements to provide maximum flexibility and value, with the opportunity to build into to a Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate or MSc over time.

For further information please see the course website or contact mscqsh@le.ac.uk.