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Award winning dementia training

16 November 2016

The Kent, Surrey and Sussex Time for Dementia programme won the award for Best Dementia Training Initiative at the 7th National Dementia Care Awards on Thursday 3 November. The Time for Dementia programme is a ground-breaking educational initiative to develop, deliver and evaluate an innovative approach to learning about dementia for undergraduate health professionals. By regularly spending time with people with dementia and their carers, Time for Dementia provides students with a unique opportunity to understand what it is like to live with dementia and from this develop a more positive attitude towards the illness as well as in-depth knowledge of the condition.

In total 800 students have been or are going through the programme, which has been embedded into the curriculum for nursing and paramedic students at the University of Surrey, and for medical students at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School. For more information, contact Victoria Hare, Programme Manager, Dementia Education & Training.