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City and Hackney CEPN and Hackney CVS win Patients Association Award

5 October 2016

Congratulations to City and Hackney Community Education Provider Network (CEPN) and Hackney CVS for winning the Patients Association Award for Innovative Ways of Involvement. The award was won for the User Led Training project, which is made up of bold training courses designed  by disabled service users and delivered to NHS staff across hospital and primary care services in Hackney. The project has been supported through workforce development funding from Health Education England and is also an active member of our CEPN network in north central and east London.

Staff trained so far have included nurses, staff in general practice, care certificate trainees and apprentices. 

The project which was piloted in 2015/16 is now recruiting new participants and new training commissions for the 2016/17 project.