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Getting it right – education and training for sepsis

24 November 2016

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition that affects an estimated 150,000 people per year in the UK (UK Sepsis Trust, 2016) and is a significant cause of preventable morbidity and mortality. It is crucial that all health and care staff are able to spot the early signs of sepsis provide appropriate, timely, high quality care.
In response to our Mandate from the Department of Health and on behalf of NHS England’s cross-system sepsis programme board, we have scoped the current provision of sepsis education and training for healthcare staff in England.
Whilst there have been significant advances in defining the recognition and management of sepsis, reviews of practice and individual cases have identified failings in the healthcare system in identifying and intervening early when patients have sepsis.
Our report 'Getting it right - the current state of sepsis education and training for healthcare staff across England', gives our full recommendations to the system.