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HEE congratulates trainee Nursing Associate on receiving a Dean’s Award

27 June 2018

Ian Costello, a trainee Nursing Associate studying at Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, has been recognised by the School of Health and Social Work for his outstanding commitment, personal ambition and leadership skills, recognised by his peers, lecturers and practitioners.

 After working for 15 years as healthcare assistant with vulnerable adults, Ian was inspired to embark on the trainee Nursing Associate programme because of its patient centred approach and his desire to develop his skills in care.

Ian said;

The trainee Nursing Associate role covers all aspects of health and is completely unique, following a patient’s journey from start to finish. The role really is patient focussed, putting them, their health and wellbeing at the heart of everything we do. That to me really is the essence of why I wanted to embark on this career pathway”.

“Winning this award has confirmed to me that I have the determination and commitment needed to take on this role and continue to be an advocate of compassionate and patient-centred care”.

The Dean’s Awards are well established in the school of health and social work, recognising those who have achieved success or those who stand out in areas such as professionalism, success, research and global awareness.

Jackie Kelly, Dean of The School of Health and Social Work at Hertfordshire University said;

Ian’s nomination acknowledges the significant contribution he has made as a student representative for his cohort. This programme and cohort are breaking new ground in many ways as and Ian is described as an outstanding student, who is a fantastic advocate for his cohort and the Nursing Associate career”.

As a student representative, Ian gives a voice to trainees, attending regular meetings with HEE to discuss the future of the trainee Nursing Associate programme, offering ideas to benefit future cohorts and ultimately, the patient experience.

Samantha Donohue, Senior Nurse Manager for Policy, Health Education England said;

Ian has embraced this opportunity to become one of England's first ever trainee Nursing Associates from the outset. He has represented his cohort at national meetings and has constantly impressed with his professionalism, passion and commitment for the role. Ian speaks about his patients and the public he meets on placements and in his own service setting with compassion and respect. I am over the moon that Ian has received his award”.

Read more about the Nursing Associate role. 


This Page was last updated on: 27 June 2018