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HEE launches new videos to help combat major health threats
19 November 2020
Health Education England is launching a series of new videos to help fight the double threats of sepsis and antimicrobial resistance.
The videos – aimed at frontline staff, clinicians and members of the public – have been created in support of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week.
Sepsis is the diagnosis used when an infection becomes so severe that it affects organ function. It causes an estimated one in five deaths worldwide and is a significant cause of death in the UK.
Antimicrobial resistance is a major global health issue caused by the overuse of antibiotics and inappropriate prescribing. An increasing number of infections are becoming harder to cure as the antibiotics used to treat them become less effective.
HEE has now produced two new animations aimed at raising awareness among health service staff, while HEE chief executive Dr Navina Evans has recorded a video message highlighting the urgency of the issue.
She said: “Modern medicine depends massively on antibiotics for a range of treatments, including many routine operations and cancer treatments which will become more and more dangerous without effective antimicrobials.
“Our programmes of work are designed to improve the education and training of health workers around this very important topic. We’ve also extended our work to target students, prescribers and the public.”
The first new animation is aimed at all health workers and provides a general overview of the issues, highlighting the correct pathway for the collection and analysis of blood samples to ensure the best patient care. It is available to view here:
The second animation is aimed at all clinical staff and is a step-by-step guide to good practice when collecting blood cultures before they are analysed.You can watch it here:-
Both animations have been produced with NHS England and NHS Improvement.
Further HEE learning resources on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can be found on the e-Learning for Healthcare website:-
The full message from Dr Evans can be viewed here