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HEE publishes GP recruitment fill rate for 2016

20 October 2016

Health Education England has today published GP trainee recruitment figures for 2016.

The final figure represents the highest number of GP trainees the NHS has ever seen recruited in ST1.

Professor Ian Cumming, Chief Executive of Health Education England, said:

Although it has been a difficult year for doctors in training, our overall fill rates across all medical specialties have remained fairly constant and the significant rise in the number of GP trainees is particularly welcome against this background.

We knew that it would also take some time for all of our joint initiatives with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) around raising the profile and attractiveness of general practice as a career to take effect but the additional GP trainees we have already seen shows that this work is beginning to bear fruit and will continue to focus on GP recruitment as a high priority in HEE.

We are aware that there is still much to do and we will be continuing with a number of initiatives that we are confident will see the number of GP trainees in this country continue to rise.

For full breakdown of figures please go to the GPNRO website.