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HEE responds to confirmation that NMC will regulate the new Nursing Associate role

25 January 2017

Responding to the news that the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has formally agreed to a request from the Department of Health to be the regulator for the new Nursing Associate role

Professor Lisa Bayliss-Pratt, Director of Nursing/National Deputy Director of Education and Quality Health Education England said:

We welcome today’s announcement that the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have agreed to regulate the Nursing Associate role. This is an important step in the journey for this exciting new role.

Our consultation showed that there was strong support for regulation and we have always been very clear that regulation is something that we are in favour of.

The role will establish a clear pathway for aspiring nurses, through education and training and supported by regulation it will give confidence to patients and employers that it is an important part of the NHS workforce.