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HEE responds to the latest GMC Workforce report
18 October 2022
Professor Sheona MacLeod, Medical Director, Reform and Professional Development, Health Education England said:
"Health Education England welcomes this report from the GMC. There are important findings about the increasing pressures on doctors which aligns with the feedback we have received in HEE.
HEE has been working for many years on our Enhancing Doctors Working Lives work with a wide range of key stakeholders such as the BMA, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and NHS Employers as well as the GMC, and on our wider Medical Education Reform programme to help mitigate some of the key issues raised in this report. This includes supporting doctors in their career and training choices with increasing flexibility, and more individualised and broader training opportunities.
As well as our work to retain doctors in postgraduate training programmes, one of our main priorities has been a focus on the growth of the future workforce, with an increase in medical education places by 25%. These extra places give us the opportunity, with partners across health and education, to provide doctors in the specialties and places that patients need now, and long into the future."
Full GMC report