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#iCanPreventDELIRIUM - 20 January 2017

9 February 2017

We continue to work in partnership with Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust to raise awareness of delirium and following the success of their first #iCanPreventDELIRIUM event, we were pleased to support their second conference.

The purpose of the event was to promote delirium awareness with the focus on community care and management of delirium in care homes. The day was headlined by a number of guest speakers including locally and nationally recognised experts in delirium. The event also provided attendees with the opportunity to take part in a number of workshops sessions which included a simulation demonstration.

The feedback from the day has been very positive and all delegates indicated that the conference met all their expectations.

The first conference in June was full to capacity and again the second event was oversubscribed with an extensive waiting list. Interest in this topic remains high and we hope to plan additional events in the future.