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Improving Surgical Training pilots – the modern Firm

30 November 2016

HEE is working with The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) to pilot a new competence-based, run-through training programme in General Surgery. The pilot will trial improvements in the quality of training, create a better balance between service and training, professionalise the role of the trainer and look to develop members of the extended surgical team to work alongside trainees to improve patient care.

The Improving Surgical Training (IST) pilot represents an opportunity for trusts to develop an alternative workforce model, maximising productive training time and making use of the focused specialisms of members of the extended surgical team. It also provides the ideal opportunity to develop the concept of the modern Firm, involving the multi-disciplinary team within which junior doctors work, and who are best placed to provide the support they require in a positive and collaborative environment.

Professor Wendy Reid, Director of Education and Quality and Medical Director, Health Education England said:

We welcome the Secretary of State’s announcement of the development of the modern Firm that we will take forward as a key element of the Improving Surgical Training programme that we are working on in partnership with the Royal College of Surgeons, we will be looking to recruit to the pilots next year.