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Inspiring excellence in medical education

17 March 2017

HEE’s Kent, Surrey and Sussex local team joined forces with Maidstone Hospital and Education Business Partnership Kent to provide an innovative and interactive event for 16-19 year olds on Friday 10 March.  The event, aimed at increasing the understanding of the range of careers available in health and social care, was attended by 170 students who were given the opportunity to try out various simulation equipment, as well as speak to service providers about training and routes into a career in the NHS.

The day was well received by both students and teachers, one student attending stated “the experience has been extremely useful and has given me a better idea of a career in medicine and healthcare" with another saying that the day "helped me understand there are many more doors open to us than we realise”.

To find out more, contact Ben Jones, Health & Social Care Pre-employment Programmes Coordinator.