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Joint statement from HEE and GMC in relation to North Middlesex University Hospital Trust

6 July 2016

Professor Ian Cumming, Chief Executive, Health Education England and Niall Dickson, Chief Executive, General Medical Council, said:

Significant concerns have been raised about the care provided in the emergency department at North Middlesex University Hospital Trust and about the lack of proper support for and supervision of doctors in training. We are pleased to see that a number of key improvements have already been made and a programme of further measures is being put in place over the next few weeks. This includes the recruitment of a new clinical director, additional medical staff and other changes to relieve the pressure on the department and support doctors in training. There is more to be done to make sure that the improvements can be sustained and that the department can cope in the long term with the extra pressures it faces.

In the meantime the GMC and HEE - the two organisations responsible for postgraduate medical training - have placed conditions on the continuation of medical training posts in the emergency department and the situation will be closely monitored with daily rigorous checks. We have made it clear that we will not hesitate to act if we consider patients or staff are being put in unsafe situations.

Please find the joint technical report on NMUH from both the GMC and HEE in the related documents section below for more information.