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Kent, Surrey and Sussex Leadership and Innovation Awards - now open!

16 December 2016

Do you know someone who goes above and beyond their role to make a difference? Now’s the time to nominate them for an award!

We want to hear about the people in your team or your organisation who really do go above and beyond their role to achieve more for their patients and service users, their communities and the wider NHS. The NHS can be a challenging place to work so we want to recognise inspirational people who - directly or indirectly - provide exceptional care to patients and service users, and who act as role models for their colleagues. Now in their fourth year, the awards are an opportunity to look back at successes, recognise the extra mile our colleagues take, and feel inspired by great leadership at all levels and in all organisations across Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. They are run in partnership between the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Leadership Collaborative, Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network, South East Clinical Networks and Managers in Partnership (MiP).

Anyone who works for the NHS or provides government-funded care, at any level, can be nominated for an award. You can nominate one person, people working together in collaboration, or a team - see the full list of categories and make your nominations on the KSS awards website  Nominations close at 5pm on 22 January 2017.

For more information email yourteam@kssleadership.nhs.uk.