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Leadership Scholarships in Quality Improvement open for applications

14 March 2016

Provided by the Florence Nightingale Foundation on behalf of Health Education England. Scholarships of up to £15,000 available.

For nurses, midwifes, allied health professionals, pharmacists, healthcare scientists and medical or dental professionals who want to become leaders and are working within the north central and east London area.

The scholarships are also open to deans and deputy deans of schools within universities.

We are looking for people with the skills and self-confidence to contribute positively and with some significance to the rapidly changing world of healthcare.

The scholarships have three broad aims:

  • to develop and enhance leadership skills;
  • to help define long term career objectives and maximise professional impact
  • to work on an individual patient care Quality Improvement project

Recipients of leadership scholarships undertake a bespoke programme geared to their individual needs based on an assessment of their current performance. Your organisation must support your application and verify that you are capable of being fast-tracked to more senior leadership positions.

Applications are welcomed from those who aspire to a board position or who may already be director or deputy director of nursing, head of midwifery, nurse or midwife consultant, modern matron, lead allied health professional, pharmacist, healthcare scientist or senior medical/dental staff in clinical leadership positions.

Details of the application criteria and how to apply are available at http://www.florence-nightingale-foundation.org.uk/content/page/497/.