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Leading Quality Improvement case studies launched

4 July 2017

These films were made to support the work of Dr Amjad Sami during his year on the Future Leaders programme in Yorkshire and the Humber when he was tasked with designing and delivering Quality Improvement training to junior doctors across the region in late 2014.

Working together, Yorkshire and the Humber Leadership Academy supported Amjad to design a training approach that modelled Leading Quality Improvement (QI) best practice and built relationships and joined forces with others.

We identified some of our most talented and inspirational Improvement Leaders who agreed to make these videos about their work.

The videos demonstrate research findings that successful QI leadership is not about hierarchical or position power, but about:

  • Ability to build relationships and join forces with others
  • Achieving small wins and building hope, possibility and confidence
  • Viewing obstacles as challenges
  • Having a strong sense of self-efficacy
  • A genuine and passionate belief in what you are doing

Thank you to: Dr Rod Kersh (Doncaster & Bassetlaw Hospitals), Emma Ryland (Improvement Academy), Dr Vicky Brown (Improvement Academy), Dr Ali Cracknell (Leeds Teaching Hospitals) for their help and advice.