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Maternity safety training fund

24 October 2016

Following a commitment made in November 2015 to reduce the number of stillbirths, neonatal deaths, maternal deaths and brain injuries that occur during or soon after birth by 20% by 2020 and by 50% by 2030, the Secretary of State for Health has made funding available to support the vision of making NHS maternity services some of the safest in the world.

An £8 million Maternity Safety Training Fund, distributed through Health Education England (HEE), will support every Trust in the country to use multi-disciplinary training to improve their maternity safety, with at least £40,000 available for every Trust. In return, Trusts are asked to commit to eight key actions to improve safety. The funding is intended to support maternity services in developing and maintaining high standards of leadership, teamwork, communication, clinical skills and a culture of safety whilst reducing maternal and fetal harm.

For more information, please contact Jackie Brocklehurst, Strategic Workforce Development Manager, at jackie.brocklehurst@nhs.net.