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Me first project wins two national awards

18 March 2016

HEE-sponsored project Me first, which is dedicated to improving communication between children, young people and healthcare professionals, was voted the overall winner at the recent Patient Experience Network (PEN) National Awards, where it also won the Personalisation of Care award. The PEN awards recognise best practice in patient experience in all areas of health and social care in the UK. 

Launched nationally in October 2015, the project is led by Common Room, an organisation that specialises in improving support and services for children and young people, and Great Ormond Street Hospital, on behalf of HEE’s local team in North Central and East London. Co-designed with young people, Me first aims to improve health outcomes by helping children be involved in their own healthcare. The project ensures that healthcare professionals are trained to communicate effectively with children and young people through an innovative range of online resources and training.

For more information view www.mefirst.org.uk or contact the team at info@mefirst.org.uk.