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Michelle came back to nursing

3 June 2016

Michelle Maxwell is one of 185 nurses that Health Education England’s Kent, Surrey and Sussex team have funded to return to nursing since 2014 as part of HEE’s Come Back to Nursing programme.

The programme supports previously registered nurses who want to come back to the profession and return to work.  Combining both classroom and placement based learning, along with clinical practice, participants on the programme are able to refresh their skills and reregister.

A nurse with 14 years of oncology experience, Michelle attended the come back to nursing programme at the University of Brighton in January 2015, and received her registration in August of the same year. She has now returned to work as a lymphoedema specialist nurse at Worthing Hospital, despite having no previous specialist lymphoedema knowledge. Since being back at work, Michelle has undertaken further training to help her progress from a Band 6 to a Band 7, and is now looking to embark on a master’s degree later this year.