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NETS – You Said We Did

6 July 2021

In 2019 Health Education England launched the National Education and Training Survey (NETS).

The survey is run twice every year and provides Trainees and Students with the opportunity to give Health Education England their feedback on their experiences whilst on placement.

This feedback is a vital tool to enable HEE to constantly stay in tune with the way learners feel about their experience and to act on their suggestions in order to continually improve placements for existing and future learners.

One such example of action HEE has taken following feedback received through the NETS is the implementation of the Impact of COVID 19 on Students Survey. At the request of learners the survey was put in place to enable HEE to better understand the experience of students and trainees, whether they have stepped into clinical practice, into new environments to support frontline clinical services or have opted to continue with their academic studies. 

A piece of work is also about to commence to increase awareness of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, also following feedback received through the NETS. Freedom to Speak Up training is available to everyone wherever they work in healthcare and explains in a clear and consistent way what speaking up is and its importance in creating an environment in which people are supported to deliver their best. 

Navina Evans, Chief Executive at Health Education England, said:

“The NETS is a vital tool which helps us at Health Education England to make real improvements to all clinical learning environments for Students and Trainees.

“The NETS is live at the moment and I would encourage all Students and Trainees to take the time to fill it in and help us to help you received the best placement experience possible.”

The NETS will be open until Friday 23 July. To complete the NETS, visit: https://poll.hee.nhs.uk/s/netsjune21/