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The NHS at Skills London 2016

24 November 2016

Skills London is London’s largest annual career event, attracting more than 30,000 young people and their families.

For the third year in a row, Health Education England is proud to lead the NHS presence at this important event. This is a valuable opportunity for young people to learn about possible career options, and we are excited to promote the NHS as a great choice.

We are working in partnership with the following NHS organisations who will provide a wide range of fun, interactive and educational activities for attendees:

  • London Healthcare Science Trainee Network
  • South East Coast Ambulance
  • London Ambulance Service
  • Guy’s & St Thomas’ Simulation & Interactive Learning Centre
  • King’s College London

Students will be able to learn CPR and emergency response care, explore the workings of a full size simulated ambulance, discover what it’s like to be visually and mobile impaired, practice keyhole surgery and see demonstrations of state-of-the-art medical equipment. HEE careers advisors and apprentice leads will be on hand to discuss various options for starting a career in the NHS.

Please visit us if you have a chance, and recommend attendance at the show to any families or young people you know. The show is Friday and Saturday 9-10 December 2016 at the ExCel centre in London. We will be tweeting live from the event using the hashtag #skillslondon2016.

For more details, please visit the Skills London 2016 website.