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Our GP team prepare to take on Coast to Coast

14 June 2016

At least four members of the School of Primary Care have recently been affected by cancer. A group of staff from the north east office have signed up for the huge challenge of cycling Coast to Coast to raise money for the much needed cause, Cancer Research UK. Good luck to the team!

Coast to Coast team

Cancer will affect many of us, yet we still don't really know what causes it or what would cure it. It is currently affecting at least four long serving members of our school in a very direct and personal way, as well as many of you. We thought we'd do our little bit to raise money to try to find out why by cycling across our area from Coast to Coast and asking for sponsorship.

The team are - Robin Douglas, Hazel Ellis, Rachel Hardy, Graham Rutt, Angela Johnson, Bernard Groen, and Richard Price

We will be meeting at Whitehaven on Friday 24 June and Bernard is planning to reach Whitley Bay the same day! That’s 130 miles and 13,500 feet of climbing in a single day. Respect!!

Immense thanks to those of you who are providing us with accommodation and those of you who have already sponsored us.

Please consider supporting them: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/HEE-NE-NC