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Primary Care: Future Workforce conference sets out primary care plan for the east of England

1 April 2016

On 30 March, Health Education England hosted stakeholders from across the primary care community to discuss HEE’s strategy and work across the primary care sector. Participants from a wide range of backgrounds shared their ideas to address current challenges and to increase resilience within general practice and primary care.

The day featured keynote speakers, workshops and a World Café session allowing delegates to mould the agenda to their needs. Importantly delegates heard trainees and students’ views with presentations from pre-CCT GP Commissioning Fellows, a recently trained GP and a Student Nurse currently working in general practice, all from the east of England.

Professor John Howard, Health Education East of England said:

The primary care workforce event demonstrated the energy and commitment of colleagues in the east of England with regard to general practice and primary care. It was a privilege just to be there; the passion and determination displayed provided real reassurance that working together we will meet the needs of the present as well as the challenges of the future.