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Professor Wendy Reid update on Radiology appointment

16 August 2016

Following the meeting between the Royal College of Radiologists and the local team, Professor Wendy Reid, Medical Director of HEE, has had an opportunity to review the issues raised.

Professor Reid said:

It is clear that while our internal processes were followed and the candidate appointed is of the highest calibre, HEE should have involved the college from the very start of this appointment process. We have agreed that the best course of action now is to rerun the appointment process, in collaboration with the college, providing them, the wider profession, and local trainees the assurances that they require.

HEE is clear that multi-professional learning can deliver the best learning environments and remains committed to making the best appointment for all our Heads of Schools, recognising that different skills and knowledge can deliver excellent education and training to meet trainees’ and patients’ need in a modern NHS. I will be writing to the college shortly to establish the next steps.