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Quality Improvement Fellows paving the way to improve healthcare quality in the east of England

7 February 2017

Health Education England is shaping local healthcare systems through a new cohort of Quality Improvement Fellows (QIFs).

The programme, now in its 5th year, gives NHS clinical leaders and managers the support, funding and expertise to deliver sustainable quality improvement in their areas through collaboration, developing networks and a focus on innovation. For the first time, QIFs are aligned to Sustainable Transformation Plans (STPs), enabling cross-system working to address local need.

Chris Sykes, Deputy Head of Quality for the East, said:

Our QIF Programme has a record of delivering some incredible projects in previous years, and with a new focus on STPs, this QIF cohort aspires to influence the national agenda, provide tangible building blocks to creating our future workforce and provide a “Dream Team” for quality improvement across the region. This cohort is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds, with different experiences and skills, which will allow us to approach issues in new ways.

The programme runs until December 2017, at which point projects will be completed or embedded within local systems.

For more information, contact Rhonda Fusco at rhonda.fusco@hee.nhs.uk.