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Rise in doctors from BME backgrounds working in the NHS welcomed

23 July 2021

Health Education England (HEE) has welcomed the findings of the Workforce Race Equality Standard (MWRES) 2020 report the first of its kind to explore race equality among England’s doctors. 


The report has found that last year more than 53,000 doctors working in the NHS were from a black and minority ethnic (BME) background, up by more than 9,000, a rise of around one-fifth, since 2017. It also highlighted that BME doctors currently remain underrepresented in senior positions, including at consultant grade roles and in academic positions.


Dr Navina Evans, Chief Executive, Health Education England said: 

"I welcome the news that we have more doctors from a BME background working in NHS than ever before. This is a step in the right direction

There is clearly more work needed to improve the experiences of black and minority ethnic staff and tackle challenges such as under representation in senior positions. Working with our partners we will play our part in tackling inequality and helping to find solutions to make sure trainees feel fully supported and are able to flourish. 

HEE is committed to making the NHS the best place to work, building a culture that makes sure that people are treated with equity and respect irrespective of background. An NHS that is for everyone."

To view the full report go to https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/medical-workforce-race-equality-standard-2020-data-report/