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RtP comes to Lincolnshire

3 October 2016

Following a period of evaluation, successful validation by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in June 2016, and expression of interest to HEE in the East Midlands, the University of Lincoln College of Social Science are now ready to run their first cohort of their Adult Nursing and Mental Return to Practice Nursing course. This programme supports the national Come Back to Nursing campaign.

The first cohort commences on the Monday 26 september in Lincoln with 21 returnees from Adult and Children’s and Mental Health Nursing preparing to undertake a journey back into nursing.

Since the course was launched in June, and with the help of the NMC mail out in September of this year, the university has received 40 enquires. The university is now getting ready to prepare for the next cohort in March 2017. The introduction of the course in Lincoln will assist with current workforce issues experienced within Lincolnshire and has full support from local Trusts who are able to offer clinical placement. In the past candidates from the region were required to travel to either Derby or Northampton University to undertake academic study.