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Sir Keith Pearson receives Honorary Doctorate from the University of East London

3 November 2016

Health Education England’s Chair, Sir Keith Pearson was awarded an honorary doctorate of Science from the University of East London’s (UEL) School of Health, Sport and Bioscience at their graduation ceremony earlier this week.

Addressing over a thousand graduates in public health, biosciences, physiotherapy, podiatry and sports science courses, Sir Keith said: “It is a privilege to be addressing you, the next generation of health, sport and bioscience professionals who have put years of hard work and commitment into achieving your degrees.

As well as highlighting the importance of the newly qualified graduates acting as ambassadors for technological and scientific breakthroughs of their generation such as genomics and personalised treatment, he also encouraged them to always challenge themselves, embrace opportunities for personal development and pursue opportunities for post-graduate research and advancement. He said:

You are a generation of professionals who will, in my view, step out into a world you will help shape and define. You will bring about change; changes that some of you will instigate, changes that others will adapt and changes that all of you will witness and work with in the coming years.

After the ceremony, Keith said:

I’m delighted to receive this honour from the School which works incredibly hard to provide excellent quality learning and teaching experience for its students whilst also striving to drive forward caring values and behaviours which will be so integral in their future careers. I’m proud of my partnership with this remarkable institution and look forward to watching it grow and develop over the coming years.

Sir Keith joined private health care company BUPA as a management trainee in the 1970s, and served in various management positions throughout the UK before moving to Hong Kong to serve as Chief Executive of the company’s Asian arm. After 10 years working in the Far East he returned to the UK in 1997 when he was appointed Chair of South Somerset Primary Care Group. He later became Chair of South Somerset Primary Care Trust and also served as Chair of the Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire Strategic Health Authority.