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Supporting NHS leaders is more important than ever before, says Professor Nicki Latham

4 October 2016

Health Education England’s (HEE) Director of Performance and Development, Professor Nicki Latham, has outlined the leadership support being offered by HEE to those who have a role in delivering the Five Year Forward View.

In an article published following a talk she delivered at NHS England’s Health and Care Innovation Expo in September, Nicki outlines some of the work HEE is undertaking in response to the Carter and Smith reviews into leadership in the NHS and the package of support available to all colleagues involved in developing sustainability and transformation plans.

Nicki calls upon leaders to access the tools on offer from HEE, so they can be supported in breaking down organisational boundaries to provide even better services to meet local needs – from support in having difficult conversations to building robust relationships and trust – with a view to obtaining real progress in the new NHS world.

The full text is available on the NHS England website.