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Take part in our Education and Training Survey - End of Life Care

5 May 2016

To aid us and the East Midlands Strategic Clinical Network develop our workforce to provide high quality, compassionate care for individuals who are nearing life’s end, and their significant others, we are trying to ascertain the range and types of education and training provision currently available across the East Midlands. This information will then be triangulated with our training needs analysis and workforce data.

We have developed the definitions of various groups of staff (see below)  who provide care for people who are at the end of their life and ask you to consider these when answering the survey.

  • GROUP A: Specialist palliative care staff, work entirely focused on people at the end of their lives.
  • GROUP B: Staff who frequently deal with end of life care as part of their role.
  • GROUP C: Staff working within other services who are involved with end of life care infrequently.
  • GROUP D: Volunteers
  • GROUP E: People who are coming towards the end of life & their non-paid carers
  • GROUP F: General population of East Midlands

You can access the survey here. The closing date is Friday 10 June 2016.