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Values Based Recruitment: Pilot Phase

21 March 2014

University of Central Lancashire and University of Cumbria will lead the HEI pilot phase of the Values Based Recruitment (VBR) Assessment Tool, with plans/timescales currently being finalised.

A detailed survey will soon be issued to all HEIs providing NHS funded programmes (agreed via Council of Deans) to collect detailed responses around VBR at every stage of the recruitment process.

A similar approach to piloting is being taken with Trusts and Merseycare are leading the project, which will formally commence mid-April. Following a request in a previous newsletter, a number of Trusts have expressed an interest in being involved in the pilot and these have been or will be followed up individually over the next couple of weeks by HENW. As part of this process we ensure there is sufficient coverage and enable as many interested Trusts to be involved as possible.

HENW are working with the National VBR strands to keep them informed of the NW tool and pilot and have been in communication with the evaluation strand also about the experience of developing a Situational Judgement Test (SJT).

For more information please contact Fiona Lord.