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We receive top marks once again from our junior doctors

20 July 2016

The General Medical Council (GMC), the regulatory body for all doctors, asks junior doctors to complete a survey every year in order to help assess the quality of medical education and training they receive.

We use the results of this survey as part of our work to review and improve the training of junior doctors in the north east and north Cumbria.

This year’s GMC survey results have been released and we are delighted to report that once again the north east and north Cumbria provides some of the best postgraduate medical training in the UK.

Overall within England we were ranked number one for 9 out of 15 of the indicators including clinical and educational supervision, supportive environment, handover, and reporting systems and we are ranked in the top 5 for the other six indicators. This reinforces that the structures we have in place to support trainees are very effective.

The overall #1 rankings for handover and supportive environment are particularly welcome, as we have all worked very hard collectively to improve these key areas for patient safety and positive workplace behaviours across the region.

Professor Namita Kumar said;

May I take the opportunity to both congratulate and thank everyone involved in delivering such consistently high quality training to our junior doctors. This is very much a team effort and I am delighted that what we do is appreciated by our junior colleagues.