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Widening the access of HEE e-LfH resources

14 September 2016

Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare programme (HEE e-LfH) has added the e-LfH Hub and its thousands of e-learning sessions to the list of OpenAthens resources to make it easier for certain groups of the health and social care workforce to access e-LfH’s e-learning. 

HEE e-LfH works in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce.

Their programmes cover subjects from audiology to anaesthesia, dentistry to dermatology, electronic fetal monitoring to end of life care, primary care to prescribing, safeguarding children to statutory and mandatory training. All content is nationally quality-assured and available 24/7.  The online training sessions enhance traditional learning, support existing teaching methods and provide a valuable reference point.

  • This service allows people to access a series of online resources free of charge with just a single OpenAthens account.

The OpenAthens eligibility criteria, which are managed by NICE, cover:

  • anyone working directly with NHS patients and
  • anyone working directly on the development and/or delivery of training materials for either NHS staff or NHS patients within an organisation that provides NHS-commissioned care or commissions care for NHS patients in England.
  • This includes charities, voluntary organisations, local authorities, arm’s length bodies and healthcare students.

To register for an OpenAthens account please visit: https://openathens.nice.org.uk/ or for more information about accessing e-LfH resources via OpenAthens visit the e-LfH support page