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Working with our partners to improve patient safety

5 May 2016

On 6 April 2016 Teesside University hosted the Improving Patient Safety through Collaboration Working event, which we jointly organised with the local Academic Health Science Network.

The event attracted more than 200 healthcare professionals who came together to share ideas and best practice on improving patient care in the region.

Key speakers included Ged Byrne, HEE Director of Education and Quality and Jim Mackey, Chief Executive of NHS Improvement. Ged gave a national overview of how HEE commission education and training to ensure patient safety. Jim provided a national perspective on the patient safety agenda.

Jon Hanson, Chair of the north east’s Faculty of Patient Safety also shared plans on how quality improvement will be delivered in the region as part of the q north initiative.

A number of workshop sessions were held which offered an insight into a range of patient safety work being undertaken in the region. This included work being delivered by our own simulation and human factors networks and AHSN NENC funded projects.

The initial feedback from the event has been extremely positive and judging from the comments on the twitter feed, the event generated a lot of interest and discussion.

For more information contact davina.robinson@ne.hee.nhs.uk.