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Decide where to study - nursing

Your hands-on practice experience:  Choosing the university (course provider) who can provide practice experience near you.

Getting the right mix of experience

An important part of your studies is to make sure you get the right amount of practical, hands-on experience.  As a nursing student on this course, in addition to the wide use of digital technology to help you study, you will spend up to 50 percent of your time on gaining practice experience in a variety of health and care settings to develop valuable skills and knowledge. You will work with patients, carers, practice assessors and a wide range of health and social care professionals.

The information below should give you an overview of the universities providing this course. Because the programme is a blend of face-to-face and virtual learning with hands on practice experience, choosing your university will be dependent on several factors, including practice experience provision.

All the universities delivering the blended learning nursing degree have formal arrangements with various clinical-practice providers across the health and care spectrum, including hospitals and in the community, with some practice providers local to the university and others not. Therefore it is important to either contact your local university or the university of choice to establish if clinical practice experience will be provided in a location that is convenient for you. Some Universities may not be near you, but can provide placement where you live. Check our interactive map so see which University provides placement in your area.

There will be some flexibility with placements to fit with your needs as much as possible and this information should help you approach a university to understand what their offer is in more detail before making a choice.

Which universities can provide practical placements near you?

North East and Yorkshire Region        

  • University of Sunderland
  • Coventry University
  • University of Huddersfield

North West                                              

  • University of Huddersfield

East of England                                      

  • Coventry University


  • Birmingham City University
  • Coventry University

South East                                              

  • Coventry University
  • University of Gloucestershire


  • Coventry University
  • The Open University in partnership with the University of Middlesex
  • University of Sunderland

South West                                             

  • University of Gloucestershire
  • The Open University in partnership with University of the West England

What’s the difference between each university’s offer for the course?


Birmingham City University

Coventry University

University of Gloucestershire

University of Huddersfield

University of Sunderland

The Open University


For more information – get in touch with the relevant universities who can offer placements where you want them.

Or download an A4 flyer from the 'related documents' section below.