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Data Driven Healthcare in 2030: Transformation Requirements of the NHS Digital Technology and Health Informatics Workforce
This report was commissioned by HEE’s Digital Readiness programme to identify the capacity and capability challenges facing the NHS digital technology and informatics workforce (the ‘digital workforce’) in the next 10 years.
Information from the exercise was used to model projected demand, and data from the NHS Electronic Staff Record used to model projected supply, for the digital workforce for the period 2020 to 2030. Particular attention was paid to workforce demand and the job roles and skills needed in a scenario called the Data Driven Future.
The main findings from the demand-forecasting exercise has led to a number of recommendations that will underpin key parts of the HEE Digital Readiness proposed delivery plan over the coming years. This report therefore acts as a very important driver to ensure that HEE and key stakeholders understand the required capacity and capability when shaping the future digital workforce and are able to put in place the mechanisms to bridge any gaps.
Our summary report outlines the main findings and our full report provides the full analysis.
Data Driven Healthcare in 2030 - Summary report - Mar 21.pdf
Data Driven Healthcare in 2030 - Full report - Mar 21.pdf
Who would benefit from reading this report?
Are you responsible for recruitment of the digital workforce, learning and development and education and training? Then this report will help you understand the skills and roles required to build and develop your digital, data and technology teams, such as in Information Technology, Library and Knowledge services and Data Science.