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Apprenticeships are work-based training programmes which are designed to help employers train people for specific job roles. At the same time, apprentices get a paying job with valuable training while they work towards a nationally recognised apprenticeship standard or framework. 

Apprenticeships bring a number of tangible benefits to NHS and other organisations they can create skilled, motivated and qualified employees and, if used properly, can help to address skills shortages across the workforce.  

There are apprenticeships available which can develop staff already in post at radiographer helper or assistant practitioner level, to develop within radiography, thus further developing the skills and competences of the workforce and increasing capacity and capability for these staff groups.   

To support meeting challenges in the radiography workforce and to promote the tangible benefits apprenticeships bring to the NHS, Health Education England (HEE) is providing training grants in 2022/23 for employers to develop apprenticeships in radiography. 

Further information about HEE apprenticeships

A case study is also available about this apprenticeship on the Skills for Health website.

Case study - Dr. Christine Heales, Senior Lecturer Medical Imaging at the University of Exeter discusses the apprenticeship.

You can email us at: diagnosicsprogramme@hee.nhs.uk to find out more about this programme.