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Dr Nikhita Joglekar

Meet Dr Nikhita Joglekar our new national fellow

nikhita bio pic

I’m Nikhita Joglekar, and I’m a GP trainee with a passion for medical education and developing generalist skills within a healthcare setting.

My clinical role in primary care, which included a placement in public health, has fostered a particular interest in health inequalities and population health. Being involved in local Integrated Care System strategies really opened my eyes to the true impact of deprivation on health and wellbeing. Alongside this, I’m also really interested in improving the environmental sustainability of healthcare, taking an active role in my local Greener Practice network for primary care staff who are interested in making their workplaces more sustainable.

My involvement in medical education throughout my career has been extremely fulfilling: I have worked as a Clinical Communication Skills Facilitator for undergraduate students at the University of Cambridge since 2017 alongside organising and delivering teaching events for foundation trainees in multiple clinical placement. Last year, a regional fellowship within the Faculty Development Team at HEE East of England also allowed me to develop my teaching design and project management skills. I was able to create a new, multiprofessional clinical supervision course for senior trainees which has been embedded into the existing local accreditation pathway for clinical supervisors.

I can’t wait to apply some of this experience to my new role as a national HEE enhance fellow. I hope it will give me an opportunity to combine my knowledge of integrated care systems, population health, health inequalities and sustainability with my drive to improve the educational offering for all healthcare professionals. I’ve already seen how my own developing knowledge of the enhance domains can impact on my day to day work and am excited to see how this translates for other learners. enhance gives us all an opportunity to broaden our horizons and apply new perspectives when striving for both excellent patient care and a fulfilling, well-balanced career within healthcare.