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Future Nurse Future Midwife

Nurses and midwives play a vital role in providing, leading and coordinating care that is compassionate, evidence-based, and person-centred.

They must be able to care for people in their own home, in the community or hospital or in any health care settings where their needs are supported and managed

The confidence and ability to think critically, apply knowledge and skills, and provide expert, evidence-based, care therefore lies at the centre of all registered nursing and midwifery practice.

The standards and proficiencies raise the ambition in terms of what’s expected of a nurse and midwife at the point of registration and will give nurses and midwives the knowledge and skills they need to deliver excellent care across a range of settings now and in the future.

On this page you will find resources and links to expand your knowledge on Future Nurse Future Midwife and standards of proficiency for midwives.


Nursing and Midwifery – Practice assessors

The standards help professionals meet the changing health and care needs of the population. To help students reach these proficiencies the standards for student supervision and assessment sets out arrangements for assessment in the practice environment.

Watch the animation below to find out more.


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