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Activities by region
Here you will find details of some of our activities across the world.

West Bengal
Since 2016, HEE has been working with the Government of West Bengal, India to collaborate on the development of nurse leadership and advanced clinical practice. Seed funding was secured through the UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) to deliver leadership training to a cadre of nurses in West Bengal. The programme focused on developing work-based training methodologies through a train-the-trainer approach with workshops designed to empower nurses to develop and deliver their own work-based training. HEE has also been supporting the government to consider options and approaches to impliment advanced clinical practice on a wider scale within their nursing workforce.
Further funding has now been secured through UKIERI to collaborate on mental health skills and awareness raising within the workforce over the next two years, providing technical support alongside potential short-term placements/exchanges in both directions, benefiting both West Bengal and the NHS.
Gulu Link
The Gulu Link is a highly successful NHS/Sub-Saharan educational partnership which has several unique features, which promote sustainable growth in healthcare delivery to a post-conflict community. Due to its longevity and successful volunteering model, HEE has identified Gulu as a pilot site to increase the number of partners in the UK and Gulu, developing a Memorandum of Understanding to support joint-working and to scale up the model for high quality placements of both long and short-term volunteers, including undergraduate, postgraduate and research opportunities for NHS staff.
The anticipated output from the pilot is a more sustainable high-quality model, consisting of the continuous presence of volunteers at various levels of experience with a quality supervision function in place and evidence of beneficial results to both the UK and Ugandan health systems, with the aim of replicating the model at scale in other locations.
Global Health Fellows in South Africa
In partnership with Africa Health Placements and provincial government departments in South Africa, the Global Health Fellowship Programme recruits doctors in England at the start of specialty training and deploys them in an operational capacity to rural, resource-poor hospitals in South Africa, usually after satisfactory completion of two years of training in England. They work alongside both South African and international colleagues on a 12-month contract at local government rates of pay.
Uganda UK Health Alliance
Recognising the large number of UK-based organisations and individuals actively engaged in healthcare efforts in Uganda, as well as the mutual interest Uganda and the UK have in promoting cooperation and interaction in healthcare between the two countries, the Uganda UK Health Alliance was created to coordinate and galvanise action in this area.
The Alliance aims to support the Ugandan Government in workforce development and health systems strengthening, providing opportunities for learning and development of health workers and institutions in both countries, and to promote increased coordination of UK-based organisations operating in Uganda to encourage collaboration and joint working.
For more information about the alliance, please visit their website
Across the world
Better Health Programme
HEE has played a key role as part of a Consortium of ALBs supporting the FCO to deliver the Strategic Development Phase for the Prosperity Fund Better Health Programme. This Official Development Assistance programme aims to deliver improved health and related economic growth outcomes in several partner countries through technical collaboration to tackle the growing burden of NCDs and improve quality of care. Working in collaboration with PHE, the Care Quality Commission, NHS Improvement, NHS England and NHS Digital, our technical experts have engaged in dialogue with countries including Brazil, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Vietnam to scope country priorities and co-develop a package of interventions which serve partner country needs and align with Prosperity Fund programme aims and priorities.
Improving Global Health (IGH)
This innovative programme, open to clinicians and non-clinicians, facilitates quality improvement volunteer placements for six months in low resource settings. Individuals work with the local health teams and use quality improvement (QI) methods to help deliver system strengthening projects to contribute to sustainable improvements in healthcare while developing their own leadership skills using the domains of the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model (2013).