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The Global Fellows – Emergency Medicine Programme
UK Emergency Medicine Fellowships

About the programme
The Global Fellows Programme - Emergency Medicine is an exciting opportunity for international doctors in emergency medicine to join the NHS within the East of England and South East regions.
The programme is part of the wider Global Fellows Programme which is designed to support the development and learning of global health professionals who wish to improve and share knowledge and skills. The programme is run by Health Education England which is supported, and fully endorsed by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and Society of Emergency Medicine India.
Aimed at recruiting international training fellows in emergency medicine, the programme complements our existing trainees, consultants, and specialty doctors. These posts provide excellent opportunities for doctors with varying career aspirations with each post being fully integrated within the specialty team, supporting the high-quality provision of patient care in emergency medicine.
Successful candidates will be provided with a named contact, who will provide one-to-one support throughout their journey to the UK whilst also being on hand to answer any queries.
The Global Fellows Programme - Emergency Medicine provides an ethical route for the recruitment of competent international doctors into the NHS for a period of between 2 to 3 years with a view to taking the knowledge, skills and experience they have acquired during their time in the NHS back to their home countries on completion of their earn, learn and return journey.
How to apply
Download the application form to apply.
For more information regarding the programme please email the Global Fellows Programme - Emergency Medicine Team on
Useful documents
The Global Fellows Emergency Medicine – information document
Frequently asked questions
A list of frequently asked questions are provided below. If you still have queries, please email the Global Fellows Programme - Emergency Medicine Team on
Q1 What is immigration health surcharge and what does it cover?
A1 Immigration health surcharge or IHS is paid by non-EEA visa applicants to use the NHS services during their study or work in the UK for more than 6 months. You will still need to pay for certain types of services such as prescription, dental treatments, eye tests.
Q2 I have private medical insurance; do I still need to pay for IHS?
A2 Yes, you still need to pay even if you have private medical insurance.
Q3 What visa should I apply for to travel to UK for this programme?
A3 This will be dependent on which Programme you are being offered. If it is GFP-EM it will be Tier 2 visa, if GFP-EM Diversified it will be a tier 5 visa.
Q4 What will be the visa status for dependents?
A4 It will be PBS (points-based system) Dependent – Partner Visa /PBS Dependent – Child Visa. They would have to apply online and will need to attend an appointment at one of the 19 visa application centres in India, whichever is most convenient to you. More information could be found here.
Q5 What if I have already had my credentials verified?
A5 All doctors intending to practise medicine in the UK regardless of their nationality are required to be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC), must follow the GMC practice guidance and be subject to the GMC Fitness to Practice actions. Doctors who hold registration but not a licence may work as an academic but cannot undertake any clinical work for which UK law requires them to hold a licence to practise.
Q6 Which English language test is the most suitable to cover the respective visa and GMC applications?
A6 International English Language Test System (IELTS) is most suitable for both visa and GMC applications, details found here. You can also complete the Occupational English Test (OET), details can be found here.
Q7 I have not yet submitted my GMC application as I will first have to get my IELTS results and EPIC verification (which may take a couple of months). Should I still submit an application for the Programme?
A7 Yes, so long as you have an intended date(s) for any of the highlighted pre-requisite criteria we will interview you.
Q8 If I have completed my International Language Test System (IELTS) do I need to undertake the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test?
A8 There are two answers to this question due to the varied routes onto the Programme.
1. If you have cleared full F/MRCEM then the answer is no, as this gives you PLAB exemption.
2. If you are joining the programme without full F/MRCEM on the MTI route the answer is also no but, be clear that this will not attract a tier 2 visa.
Q9 I was not successful in in my Intermediate FRCEM exam and there is a long wait for next attempt, I don't mind doing PLAB, would this still make me eligible to apply for the programme?
A9 Completing PLAB is a route onto the Programme but, it is critical that you also complete at least one part of the F/MRCEM process.
Q1 What if I already have a hospital of my choice?
A1 As long as the hospital that you have chosen is part of the Programme then please indicate this in your application form and we will accommodate this where we can.
Q2 Would there be any further training /onboarding when I start with a Trust?
A2 Trusts have a local workplace induction checklist, corporate induction and mandatory training requirements which are standard requirements for any new starter.
Q3 Will I be working at the same NHS Trust for the duration of the programme or will there be some rotations included?
A3 This will be dependent on the arrangement with the Trust. The Programme provides opportunity for development with the Trusts providing training which will be regionally led.
Q4 After completing the programme will I get some letter of recognition or fellowship completion certificate?
A4 Yes, you will receive a certificate indicating that you have taken part in the Global Fellows Programme to mark your achievement.
Q1 I am well established in my country of origin and would unsettle this only if I get some preference and assurance to pursue subspecialty consultancy and stay in UK after completion of the programme.
A1 The programme is on an earn, learn and return model therefore there is no assurance that you would stay in UK after completion of the programme. That said, there is no restriction either to stop you from staying in the UK provided you satisfy immigration laws.
Q2 My spouse is also a doctor and will eventually be moving with me to the UK. Is there support for them in obtaining work?
A2 Some NHS Trusts do and this could be clarified during the interview stage and would depend on if they could accommodate your spouse’s specialty. However, this is not a part of the core programme offer.
Q3 Would there be any option to leave the programme if a circumstance would deem it necessary during my fellowship? If yes, what is the notice period?
A3 Patient care is at the heart of all NHS Trusts. A lot of effort is put into ensuring that the workforce is at its best state to provide this. Therefore, should you opt to leave before the end of the contracted period of the programme there is no obligation beyond the need to work a notice period. This notice period would depend on your salary band and this information would be available once a Trust has been identified for you. In most circumstances 3 months’ notice is the norm.
Q4 Is the stated salary fixed or could it be negotiated based on an individual’s experience?
A4 The advertised basic salary is £47,142 per annum with the potential to earn additional unsocial hours pay which would increase your basic salary to between £55 - £65,000 per annum. Any negotiation outside these would be through your allocated Trust. It could be an interview question from you.
Q5 Will this experience be helpful for applying CESR?
A5 Eligibility for Certificate of eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) will depend on your demonstration that your skills, knowledge and experience are equivalent to that of the relevant CCT curriculum to join the Specialist registers.
Q6 Is the post eligible for locum jobs outside duty hours (within the trust or outside)?
A6 The Global Fellows Programme will be appointed on full-time basis to work an average of 40 hours a week, equivalent level to UK. There is no restriction on supplementary hours, including locum shifts, as long as it does not impact on your ability to safely work as a Global Fellow.
Q7 I am currently in employment in my country and would be required to give a specified notice period. Would my application still be eligible if I provide my available date as a date after the specified period?
A7 Yes, please indicate and state the reason, eg, 3 months’ notice period to be given to current employer from the date of Global Fellow offer.