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Accessing Oliver's Training
1. How can I access the training?
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is the government’s preferred and recommended training for health and social care staff and it is delivered in 2 separate tiers.
Both tiers compromise 2 parts:
- The elearning, which is now live, is part 1 of both Tier 1 and Tier 2. Everyone needs to do the elearning regardless of where they work and what tier of training they need to complete.
- Part 2 of the training is either a live 1-hour online interactive session for those needing Tier 1, or, a 1-day face to face training for people who require Tier 2.
Trainers and experts with lived experience who deliver part 2 of the training need to be trained before they can deliver the standardised training packages. The trainers’ training is underway. As the number of trainers increases, so will capacity to deliver the interactive online sessions and face to face delivery.
2. How can I access part 2 of the training? (The live 1 hour online interactive session for those needing Tier 1 or a 1-day face to face training for people who require Tier 2.)
If you are a staff member, please get in contact with your line manager who can speak with your local learning and development team to organise your access to Oliver’s Training.
Employers have a few options regarding how they can ensure their staff complete part 2 of the training. These include:
1) Delivering training in-house with their own trainers:
Trainers and experts with lived experience who deliver part 2 of the training need to be trained before they can deliver the standardised training packages. The trainers’ training has recently commenced.
Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and NHS England regional leads are working with their local systems to build and co-ordinate trainer capacity and capability. We are encouraging employers to work with their ICSs to achieve this.
If you are not already working with your ICS leads, you can find their contact details on the express an Interest webpage.
Details of the training and trainer training can be found in the delivery model.
2) Through a partner organisation:
Many larger organisations have arrangements with partners to provide training to a group of employers within Integrated Care Partnerships. Such arrangements are likely to be helpful in the delivery of The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training as they support sharing of expertise and resources.
3) External training providers:
We are in the early stages of rolling out the trainer training and expect that later in the year there will be more trainers and training organisations delivering training. The list of training organisations with approved trainers offering The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is available on the approved trainer and provider webpage.
3. Can employers choose to roll out The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training elearning using their own learning management system?
Employers have the option to link to the training via their learning management system using an AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee) link.
AICC is used to link the elearning so that it can be accessed via other learning management systems. This is the method used to ensure that the elearning remains intact and up to date. To do this, employers can contact elearning for healthcare (elfh) on directly.
More information is provided on the elfh programme webpage and support is available through elfh support services.
Local example
The Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Sector Collaborative in Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is developing an “anchor” model to roll out Oliver’s Training and ensure its sustainability. Across the ICB large employers across health and social care are creating in-house teams of Oliver McGowan trainers. The “anchor” organisations will then deliver Tier 1 and Tier 2 training both to their own staff and partner organisations across primary, community and voluntary sectors.
Katy Marshall, Strategic Culture and Workforce Lead, said:
“We have adopted the anchor model because we want to ensure that the delivery of this training is sustainable and the funding was utilised in a way to reach the maximum amount of organisations.
"Our ambition is to work with health and social care partners to bring delivery within their own organisations and wider system partners as we move forward. This has only been possible through the positive engagement of our existing workforce, who are committed to making a lasting difference for individuals with a learning disability and autistic individuals who access our services.”
4. Can everyone access The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training elearning on the elfh website?
The elfh website has a host of training material and packages, many of which are designed to be used by social care workers as well as health workers and some of which are also publicly available for individuals, carers and volunteers.
There are several ways to access the elearning:
- NHS and social care staff can set up accounts using their individual work email addresses.
- employers can use the bulk upload service provided by elfh to arrange accounts for each of their members of staff
- employers can use their own existing learning management system to access to the content. This is provided via AICC links.
- individuals with an existing OpenAthens account can use this to sign in
- individuals can set up an account using their personal email address
- social care organisations can refer to guidance and a video developed by Skills for Care and elfh to help with access
For further support, you can read the registering for elfh account guidance document.
The elearning for healthcare support pages provide further information and offers support via live chat Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4:30pm or email
5. How can my organisation view reports on who has accessed the elearning?
This will depend on how your employees are accessing the elearning. Organisational reporting is available, please contact the elfh support team directly to see what options are available to you and read the organisational reporting document.
6. I have completed the elearning but my learning management system has not recorded it. What can I do?
All videos and learning sessions within the elearning must be played fully to record completion. You can check your progress by clicking on the grey striped bar at the top of the screen. A panel on the right hand side will show which sections have been fully completed and which are still to complete. Make sure all videos have played fully to the end.
If you’re using the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) platform to complete the elearning, you need to ensure you close the session with the ESR close button, not the close button in the session. Closing the session with the in-session exit button will close the session but not save it to ESR.
7. Can my organisation deliver the elearning to a group of staff?
The elearning can be delivered to a group of staff. In such circumstances it will need to be delivered as a facilitated learning session which includes group discussions and reflection.
Employers will need to update staff records and support staff to evidence that they have completed the elearning when enrolling for part 2.
8. How can I access the elearning handbook?
Accessing the handbook is different depending on what platform you’re accessing the elearning part on.
The handbook is available from the elearning for healthcare platform, as a separate elearning session on:
By clicking “play”, the handbook automatically downloads to your device.
If you’re accessing the Oliver’s Training through another learning management system, you can ask your learning and development team how to access the handbook.
9. How can I access the second part of the training from a third party training provider?
We are in the early stages of rolling out the trainer training and expect that later in the year there will be more trainers and training organisations delivering training.
The list of training organisations with approved trainers offering Oliver's Training is published on the approved trainers and training provider webpage. Here you can see the list of approved trainers and contact details of training organisations with a team of approved trainers.
10. How can I ensure the training offered is The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism
The lists of approved trainers and organisations who can deliver The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training are now available on the approved trainer and training provider webpage.
Only approved training providers can describe their training as “The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability” or use “Oliver McGowan” in their training title as this is now a registered trademark.
If you have any queries or questions about approved trainers and providers, contact
11. We do not deliver CQC regulated services but would like to access Oliver's Training. Can we do this?
Whilst there is currently no statutory requirement for providers who are not registered with CQC, the government encourages all employers to ensure that their staff receive training in learning disability and autism, including how to interact appropriately with autistic people and people who have a learning disability. This should be at a level appropriate to their role.
There is already positive engagement with Oliver’s Training from higher education institutions and other health and care services not regulated by the CQC to ensure this important culture change and to address the health inequalities people with a learning disability and autistic people face.
Employers who are not CQC-regulated can access part 1, the elearning, on elearning for healthcare for free, however they will need to support their staff to access part 2. See question 2 to find out more about how to access the second part of Oliver’s Training.
Employers can contact their local ICSs too, however the focus currently is to support access for staff working in CQC regulated services.
12. We do not deliver health and care services, but would like to access Oliver's Training. Can we do this?
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training has been designed for health and social care staff and we recognise other sectors may find it beneficial.
Everyone can access part 1, the elearning, on elearning for healthcare for free. Employers will need to provide part 2 of the training by one of the means discussed in question 2. Please note that whilst trainer capacity is being built we expect ICBs and training organisations to prioritise the CQC-regulated health and care sector.
13. Can people outside the UK access Oliver's Training?
The first part of Oliver’s Training, the elearning, is available on eIntegrity for those who wish to access the elearning outside the UK.
14. How can we support neurodivergent colleagues to complete The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training?
Employers need to consider for all staff which Tier of Oliver’s Training is appropriate for the person’s role. It is an employer’s responsibility under to make any necessary reasonable adjustments to support their staff to access Oliver’s Training. Some people may need support to complete the elearning. Some of our co-trainers with a learning disability complete the elearning with a supporter or carer – or sometimes the facilitating trainers delivers the elearning to a group of co-trainers as a facilitated session.