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Thames Valley
To help ensure health and care services are built around the needs of people in the Thames Valley area, local providers and commissioners are working together to produce Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP).
These plans will show how local services will evolve and become sustainable over the next five years – ultimately delivering the Five Year Forward View vision of better health, better patient care and improved NHS efficiency.
The Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) plans will show how local services will evolve and become sustainable over the next five years – ultimately delivering the Five Year Forward View vision of better health, better patient care and improved NHS efficiency.
We are working across Thames Valley supporting the workforce elements of two STPs - Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire (BOB) and Frimley Health through Local Workforce Action Boards (LWABs) which will ensure that decisions about the NHS and social care workforce take place in the right place at the right time with the right people. The LWABs are working closely with the health and social care providers and commissioners around the workforce elements of the STPs.
The Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire and West Berkshire (BOB) Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) area is supported by a Local Workforce Action Board (LWAB) and is co-chaired by Pauline Brown, Local Director, Health Education England Thames Valley and Neil Dardis, Chief Executive Officer, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.
Our priority workstreams are:
- Acute Services
- Digital Transformation
- Mental Health
- Prevention
- Primary Care
- Specialised Commissioning
- Urgent and Emergency Care
- Workforce
We oversee the delivery of BOB STP workforce workstream. This workstream consists of three main projects:
Improving Workforce Value Project
This is aimed at delivering the development of shared bank staff across the system, joint strategic framework for overseas recruitment and the development of common terms and conditions targeted at staff recruitment and retention. The programme consists of three projects:
- Development of a joint bank workforce data platform
- Grade Equalisation project
- Workforce Retention project
Support Workforce Development Programme
This programme is targeted at developing, recruiting, retaining and training integrated support workforce across the BOB STP footprint. The programme consists of three projects:
- Acute and Emergency Support Workforce development
- Support Workforce Competency Framework Development
- Support Workforce Good Practice Repository
System Leadership and OD Capabilities Programme
This programme is aimed at delivering Leadership and OD interventions that will create shifts in mindsets, behaviours and leadership skills required to deliver STP objectives. The programme consists of the following projects:
- Design and delivery of a suite of STP Engagement and Development Workshops for BOB STP and LWAB
- Development of a first-line leadership and management programme across BOB STP.
- Analysis of NHS system Leadership/OD/Workforce plans
- Creation of a BOB STP Leadership and OD Leads community
- STP Talent Management and Succession Planning Research
- Provision of Action Learning Set to support BOB STP Quality Service
- Improvement Redesign (QSIR) programme with Action Learning Sets
To enable coherent discussions, planning and implementation of workforce elements of all BOB STP priorities, BOB workstreams, Senior Responsible Owners have been invited to join the LWAB as Associate Members. Board level representatives from Local Authorities across the footprint are also being sought to enable system-wide engagement and leadership.
We provide a range of health, social care and primary care workforce baseline datasets and intelligence, including hotspots and agency spends to inform planning and decision making. We also provide programme management support to enable LWAB to manage its funded workforce development initiatives using known project programme and benefits management methodologies to ensure coherent delivery outcomes.We are also offering workforce planning, modelling and transformation capacity building opportunities to partner organisations across the system.
The LWAB has approved funding to support implementation of the BOB STP workstream projects.
Projects that are being supported are:
- Embedding Making Every Contact Count (MECC) across STP
- Maximising use of Apprenticeship for recruitment, retention and staff development
- Delivery of Quality Service Improvement Redesign (QSIR) training programmes
- Delivery of Integrated Health and Social care across BOB focusing on needs of Acute and Emergency Care support workforce
- Development of urgent and emergency care interface and skills competency framework
- Recruitment of Endoscopy Project Manager for BOB STP Endoscopy workstream
- Recruitment of Project Manager to coordinate delivery of the STP clinical rotas project.
In addition, project work is being undertaken to identify workforce elements and initiatives aimed at delivering BOB STP priority areas.
We are supporting the Frimley Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STP) footprint covering Bracknell and Ascot, North East Hampshire and Farnham, Slough, Surrey Heath and Windsor and Maidenhead areas.
The Frimley STP area is supported by a Local Workforce Action Board (LWAB) that is co-chaired by Pauline Brown, Local Director, Health Education England Thames Valley and Alison Alexandra, Managing Director & Strategic Director of Adult, Children and Health Services, Royal Borough of Maidenhead and Windsor.
The LWAB consists of Board level representatives from Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Local Authorities across the STP footprint.
Frimley Health STP priority workstreams for the next 18 months are:
- To ensure that people have the skills, confidence and support to take responsibility of their own health and wellbeing
- To lay the foundations for a new model of general practice, provided at scale. This includes work to further the development of GP federations to improve resilience and capacity
- To transform the social care support market including a comprehensive capacity and demand analysis and market management
- Design a support workforce that is fit for purpose across the system
- Implement a shared care record that is accessible to professionals across the STP footprint
- Develop integrated care decision making hubs to provide single points of access to services such as rapid response and reablement with phased implementation across our area by 2018
- Reducing variation and health inequalities across pathways to improve outcomes
The system is being supported by the Thames Valley and Wessex Leadership Academy (TVWLA) to implement System Leadership and Organisation Development Capabilities Programme. This programme is aimed at delivering Leadership and OD interventions that will create shifts in mindsets, behaviours and the leadership skills required to deliver STP objectives.
We provide a range of Health, Social Care and Primary Care workforce baseline datasets and intelligence, including hotspots and agency spends data to inform planning and decision making. We are also offering workforce planning, modelling and transformation capacity building to partner organisations across the system.
Some funding has been identified to support planning and implementation of the workforce element of the Frimley priority workstreams. Frimley Health workstream leads have been invited to bid for funding and applications are to be reviewed and approved by the LWAB members. Robust monitoring processes are being put in place to ensure that funded initiatives deliver measurable benefits.