Faculty of Occupational Medicine
The National School of Occupational Health is a collaboration between HEE and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.
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The National School of Occupational Health is a collaboration between HEE and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine hosted by HEE in East Midlands.
The vision of the School is to train a 21st century occupational health workforce that has the capability and capacity to optimise the workability of the working age population.
The purpose of the School is to promote the highest standards of quality training and to quality manage the provision of clinical training for a multidisciplinary occupational health workforce in England and Wales.
For occupational medicine trainees, we aim to ensure and assure delivery of the national curriculum. In order to achieve this goal consistently, the School runs a national recruitment process delivered by national HEE recruitment offices for NHS based training posts in England, with Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland participating. Training posts funded by the Defence Postgraduate Medical Deanery and non-NHS based posts will continue to run their own separate recruitment system with their recruits attending the national recruitment process for bench marking purpose.
The School also runs national ARCP events for all NHS and non NHS trainees for whom it has that responsibility, twice per year in London, Leeds and Birmingham.
On the non-medical side, the School's objective is to replicate the quality assurance framework for nurses and non-medical healthcare professionals.
For further information, visit our page on the East Midlands HEE website.
The National School of Occupational Health is a collaboration between HEE and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine.
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